Steve's Solo Benefit Concert September 15th
Here's a flyer for my next benefit show (without the rest of the boys, but still worth the trip out. This is for a worthy cause. Do a google search. Darfur. It may seem a silly word, but it's a horrible situation that we should all at least be aware of.

Click on the flyer to see a large version.
Admission is $6 or $12 for dinner and the show. Larry of Totem Maples will also be performing, which is ALWAYS a treat. He is a poet AND a gentleman.
Remember that proceeds from this event go to help purchase a well for clean water for those in Darfur who are sharing water with thousands and thousands of others. We take clean water for granted , don't we? I carry a water bottle with me and leave it somewhere and then just throw it away because it's been sitting around for a couple of days...sheeesh.
Go to our web or Myspace for more information, directions, etc.
Or just click on the flyer and figure it out. :)
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