You got your robot and Jesus to watch over you

"You got your robot and Jesus and to watch over you".
Yeah. Those were the words Joy said about 10 minutes ago as we were getting ready to put our son to bed. I almost died laughing (quietly, because the boy was getting ready to sleep). "Your robot AND Jesus?!" That NEEDS to be a song lyric or something.
Do any of you have children or nieces that you have made interesting, but hard to back up statements? (To be fair, he DOES have this sweet robot that he and mommy made yesterday out of tinfoil and toilet paper rolls).
Just hope the robot and Jesus don't come to blows. Because then you got all that scrap metal to dispose of.
It's all fun and games till Jesus and the robot start fighting...
Sounds like a Violet Burning lyric. :)
-Dave Cusick
Why is it that when robots are mentioned, they are always made to fight?!? It's time that they break free of the violent desires of their human oppressors and make peace through the complete destruction of the human race.
The metal ones will come. For peace. And Jesus.
Hey Cousin Steve! Congratulations on finding out it's a girl (just hope they're *really* right!). I don't have any statements TO a child, but here's a great one FROM a child... When we were at your cousin Shannon's for Thanksgiving, one of her 4 1/2 yr old twins (JJ) asked me during dinner, with great sincerity, "Aunt Niki, is the baby eating all the trash in your tummy?" This was hours after we'd had quite a discussion about their baby cousin in my belly, of course.
We're due 4 weeks from today (Jan 21) so we'll be keeping you posted!
We've read your emails and are eagerly awaiting the new addition. Kids DO say the darndest things...
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