Thoughts on the Hotel Cafe show
First, we've been podcast AGAIN. This time on Scents of Magic. The lady makes soap for a living, it sounds like. And she played Los Angeles, because clean ladies like Los Angeles, I guess. Listen here.
We've also received continual airplay on
Well, we played in the Hotel Cafe in Hollywood last night, at or past the stroke of midnight. We followed some extremely popular guy named Ernie Haltar who has 30,000+ friends on myspace. I think I finally figured out why: he used to play guitar for Clay Aiken...or something like that. Either way, the place was packed out when he played.
He had cookies with his name on them in the Green Room (that's the room that the artists can tune their guitars and get dressed and whatnot). His fans brought him birthday gifts. Crazy wild Aiken women!
Anyway, our show went great. There were several dedicated long-time friends/fans there and then several people who were just there for whatever other bands played or had just wandered into the club. The club itself was very cool, if not small.
The set list looked like this:
Transcendental Blues (new cover song by Steve Earle)
Would I Be?
Defend You
Los Angeles
Country Star
Breathing Room
American Girl (Tom Petty)
We also had the set recorded, so we may be posting some live songs on our Myspace page in the not too distant future. Watch for that.

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