Pushstart Welcomes You Back To The Fold
Long time no see. We've been busy, but we're back.

Between the three of us (Ben E., Eric S., and Steve G.) we've worked as a 7th grade English teacher, Starbucks coffee monkey, youth director, loving husband, devoted boyfriend, doting father, full-time studio engineer, and at least 15 other roles.
Somewhere in the midst of all of that we recorded, produced, mixed, engineered and wrestled a new album into existence.
I know we've said this before, but this time it's actually happening.
In the next couple of weeks we will post mp3s of the entire album for people to get a taste of what we've been doing for the last several years. We really HAVE been working hard for you. Quality takes time. We hope you like it, but if you don't we'll be ok. We've come to accept ourselves because we're good enough, we're smart enough, and gosh darnit, people like us!
For those of you unfamiliar with Blogging, here's how it works. You read the various posts or articles on the blog page. Beneath the posts is the word "comments" with a number. The number indicates how many people have commented on a particular post or article. If you want to comment also, you just click on the "comments" and somewhere towards the bottom of the last post/comment is text that says "post a comment". Click on it and get typing. Soon your thoughts will be right there besides ours and other friends, fans, naysayers, skeptics, and goof-balls. That's the beauty and curse of the internet and International free speech.
We would really love to hear from you. So, click on comment and say "hello" or something. If you've never blogged here's your chance. If you have, wow us with your html kung-fu.
Welcome back. I've missed you. When (and how) can we expect to hear some full-length, full-quality songs?
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We are currently mixing the record and hope to be done with mastering before the end of August... We are also looking at a few options for releasing this album and will let you know as soon as it is available (through the website).
By the way... If you would like to be added to our email list (for now) send an email to sguiles@hotmail.com and ask to be added to the Pushstart list. We will be sending email updates (and other cool stuff) as we get closer to the release date.
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